Sunday, January 20, 2008

Saint Sebastian's Day

Saint Sebastian was already listed as a martyr by 350CE. As most of us know, he was filled full of arrows, survived to taunt the emperor, and finally beaten to death. I'm sure he was perfectly horrid to be around and that his martyrdom came as a relief to all who knew him.

What a card, eh? A note of interest. The Saint Sebastian convent and parish house in Venice is no longer used for the church. Its major wall is used by the students at the University of Venice to post their pornographic caricatures of and bawdy poems about one another. One of them, when I was there, had a gorgeous comparative lit MA graduate drawing with her breasts talking post-modern theory with one another. Another one pictured a male philosopher sitting on the toilet looking at a girlie mag as his erect penis (with a face) asked the"philosophical" questions: "Is there an ontological point to all this? Do I have a place in the scheme of things?"---and so on. There were many other drawings, and obscene rants and poems along this line. They were all sublime. I wanted to enroll in school there at once

But the most damning one was a very straightforward drawing of a serious young man. All it said was, "Vittorio has always been the joy of his mother and the priests." That was it! The most saintly of those Venetian students was plastered there on the side of Saint Sebastian's as a truly pathetic figure. Saint Sebastian must be very proud. Perhaps he'll send an arrow to Vittorio. We can be sure Vittorio will be more than happy to use it on sinners. And his mother,the priests, and Saint Sebastian will all be proud.

Need I say that Venice is my kind of place?

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