Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hillary Flips the Bird

Ms. Hillary’s ahead of the flock
And she strides with a President’s walk
And she says she’s for peace
But will war ever cease
When she constantly quacks like a hawk?

Monday, October 29, 2007

New Hillary Slogan

I have seen the error of my ways and from this moment I will support Hillary with my new slogan for her campaign:

Sunday, October 28, 2007


You stink, therefore I am.
Coco Chanel

With Apologies to the Scarlet Pimpernel

They seek him here, they seek him there
Those Yankees seek him everywhere.
Is he in Baghdad or in Baden-Baden?
That damned, elusive Osama bin Laden.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Humpty Democrats

When Democrats sit on the fence
We do it because we’re so tense
So we fall off it for FISA
And to make our kids nicer
Multi millions for abstinence.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Play with My Dalai?

"It's part of what we Buddhists call 'bad sexual conduct.' Sexual organs were created for reproduction between the male element and the female element and everything that deviates from that is not acceptable from a Buddhist point of view. Between a man an [another]man, a woman and another woman, in the mouth, the anus, or even using a hand." (the DL mimes masturbation)...
(June 1997, San Francisco ~ Dalai Lama)

A lot of Buzz today about the Dalai Lama, his Congressional Medal and so on. But obviously his devotion to freedom stops at the entrance to sexuality, especially homosexuality. He is one of those, apparently, who believe the body is a temple. They seem to populate all the world's major religions. There are a number of us non-religious folks who believe the body is a playground.

Whose party would you rather go to? If you'd rather chant than hang out on the slides, swings, and monkey bars with folks like me, quick move away from this blog and chant: Hello Dalai.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


We Bushies do not torture folks
Just deprive them of dinner and smokes
There's no time for levity
Our needs require brevity
We use freezing and dunkings and pokes

Thursday, October 4, 2007


In light of President Bush's veto of the children's health care bill, I have a question:
Is our childrens already healthy enough?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Limericks Political and Scatological by Hoof Ardette

Just a few limericks today:

Republican Senator Foley
had some thoughts about teens most unholy
Though charged to protect 'em
He craved teenage rectum
And some of that firm young cannoli.

In order to come Foley went
For boys at the age of consent
If younger email them
Until he could nail 'em
And whack off like a real proper gent.

Said the Father to Adam you'd best
Shun that fruit so you can stay blessed
Then He turned to Eve
Who asked, "By your leave,
Is that going to be on the test?"

Said the beguiling young lady Jeffabelle
Whose virtue was not merely laughable,
"My father the minister
Said wed or be spinister
And so I am simply ineffable."

An eccentrical lady of Berkeley
Approached her costume berserkly:
"I found my turban
In Afghanistan
And the rest of my outfit in Turkley."

Haliburton works hard at its game
Plays for keeps and doesn't feel shame
As it screws the G.I.s
Hoping no one gets wise
And gives war profiteers a bad name.

Hoof Ardette

Monday, October 1, 2007

No walkathons

Every disease seems to have a walkathon. How about, for prostatitis and prostate cancer, holding annual pissing matches?